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! style="text-align:left;"| Argument
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
! style="text-align:left;"| ExampleExamples
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
This argument will need to quoted as it will probably contain spaces.
| /short_description="Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"
/short ="Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|/application=<Application Alias>
|Specifies the application short name of the event. This argument requires a valid "application short name" to have been configured in Veloopti for a given application.
/app =MyApplication
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|/long_description="<long description>"
|Specifies the long description of the event. If not provided, the long description will be set to the same value as the short description.This argument will need to quoted as it will probably contain spaces.|/long_description="The application is processing a larger number of requests that normal. More that 1000 have been processed in the last minute and the average is less than 50."/long="The application is processing a larger number of requests that normal. More that 1000 have been processed in the last minute and the average is less than 50."
|Specifies the (optional) itil classification of the event. The following values are supported: availability, performance, capacity, security and matching shortened versions of avail, perf, cap,sec|/itil=availability/itil=cap/itil security/itil perf|-style="vertical-align:top;"
|/key="<event key>"
|Specifies the key for the event. The key is used to specify uniqueness of an event for use with duplicate suppression and auto closing.The key can be set to any string of alphanumeric characters including:spaces ( ),colons (:),commas (,),periods (.),forward slashes (/),back slashes (\\), note: back slashes require delimitingsingle quotes ('), note: single quotes may require delimiting (\')double quotes ("), note: double quotes may require delimiting (\")|/key="MyAPP:Calculator:Calc:1"/key "EastCoast:Web:LoadBalance:availability:main web site"|-style="vertical-align:top;"
|/node_id="<event source node id>"
|/add_help="<help text>"