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Home > Administration > Event Administration > Creating an event from the command line

1 Overview

When executed the Linux binary "veloopti-event" or windows executable "veloopti-event.exe" it creates and sends an event to your Veloopti Organisation. The event is sent to a specific application using an "Application Alias" that must be prepared beforehand.

2 Usage

The usage of veloopti-event is:

 veloopti-event /sev=<severity> /short="<short_description>" /app=<application alias> [OTHER ARGUMENTS]

The command requires at least the mandatory arguments in order to create a Veloopti event.

2.1 Mandatory arguments

These arguments are required in order for an event to be created.

Argument Description Examples


Specifies the severity of the event.

The following severities are supported: information, warning, exception or the matching shortened versions of: info, warn, exc



/short_description="<short description>"

/short="<short description>"

Specifies the short description of the event. This argument is limited to 80 characters and will be truncated if more are supplied.

This argument will need to quoted as it will probably contain spaces.

/short_description="Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"

/short="Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"

/application=<Application Alias>

/app=<Application Alias>

Specifies the application short name of the event. This argument requires a valid "application short name" to have been configured in Veloopti for a given application. /application=OS


2.2 Optional arguments

Argument Description Example
/long_description="<long description>" Specifies the long description of the event. If not provided, the long description will be set to the same value as the short description.

This argument will need to quoted as it will probably contain spaces.

/long_description="The application is processing a larger number of requests that normal. More that 1000 have been processed in the last minute and the average is less than 50."

/long="The application is processing a larger number of requests that normal. More that 1000 have been processed in the last minute and the average is less than 50."

/itil=<classification> Specifies the (optional) itil classification of the event. The following values are supported: availability, performance, capacity, security and matching shortened versions of avail, perf, cap,sec /itil=availability

/itil=cap /itil security /itil perf

/key="<event key>" Specifies the key for the event. The key is used to specify uniqueness of an event for use with duplicate suppression and auto closing. If you set a key then the only way to close the event from the command line is by using the key. You cannot match on the severity and short description when the key is set.

The key can be set to any string of alphanumeric characters including: spaces ( ), colons (:), commas (,), periods (.), forward slashes (/), back slashes (\\), note: back slashes require delimiting single quotes ('), note: single quotes may require delimiting (\') double quotes ("), note: double quotes may require delimiting (\")


/key "EastCoast:Web:LoadBalance:availability:main web site"

/node_id="<event source node id>" Specifies the (optional) source node id for the event. The node_id setting is used to specify a different node id rather than associating the event with the node where the command is run. The node_id is the unique (Node Id): /node_id="f7a0d939-0434-45ed-8548-895d35a54623"




Specifies additional custom properties of the event. May be entered multiple times as required. These properties are displayed under the Event Details and provide extra context to the event. These properties are also passed to Integrations for use in external services.

This argument may need to quoted as it could likely contain spaces. NOTE: only the first colon (:) is used when delimiting as is the case in the disk:C:\ example


/prop="disk:C:\" /prop "file:config.txt"

/add_help="<help text>" Specifies the Help Text of the event. The Help Text is displayed under the Event Details and included in Notifications and Integrations. It is useful for including information to operators on how or why an event is likely to have occurred or instructions to assist with further diagnosis or how to resolve the event. /add_help="It is possible that the data disk is full and more space is needed. Check the log files. Restart the application once fixed."

/add "It is possible that the data disk is full and more space is needed. Check the log files. Restart application once fixed."

/close Closes the matching event. Veloopti will match the event on existing open events based on the Short Description or Key if one is provided. If an existing open event is found, it will be closed by Veloopti.

This option does not take an argument value.


2.3 Other arguments

Argument Description Example
/help Shows the basic synopsis and command line help. /h
/info Shows the detailed synopsis, command line help and examples. /info
/version Shows the version information of the "veloopti-event" command. /ver

== Configuring an Application Alias" An Application Alias directs the created event to the application that it belongs in. No event in Veloopti is able to exist without having an application so this is required. If the command is run with an application alias that does not exist the following error is generated:

C:\>veloopti-event.exe /app=AppNOtExist /sev=Warning /short="This is the short description"
Specified application: not permitted
2020-01-29 12:56:03.835 - Fatal -  - Event::validateShortName 515 (0): Specified application is not permitted:  appnotexist