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[[Welcome_to_Veloopti_help|Home]] > [[:Category:Administration|Administration]] > [[:Category:Event Administration|Event Administration]] > [[Veloopti-event.exe|Creating an event from the command line]]

== Overview ==
When executed the Linux binary "veloopti-event" or windows executable "veloopti-event.exe" creates and sends an event to the nodes Veloopti Organisation. The event is sent to a specific application using an "Application Alias" that must be prepared beforehand.

== Usage ==
The usage of veloopti-event is:
veloopti-event /sev=<severity> /short="<short_description>" /app=<application alias> [OTHER ARGUMENTS]

The command requires at least the mandatory arguments in order to create a Veloopti event.

=== Mandatory arguments ===
These arguments are required in order for an event to be created.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Argument
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
! style="text-align:left;"| Example
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|Specifies the severity of the event.
The following severities are supported: information, warning, critical or the matching shortened versions of: info, warn, crit
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|Specifies the short description of the event. This argument is limited to 80 characters and will be truncated if more are supplied.
This argument will need to quoted as it will probably contain spaces.
| /short_description="Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"
/short "Greater than 100 emails are in the deferred queue"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|Specifies the application short name of the event. This argument requires a valid "application short name" to have been configured in Veloopti for a given application.
/app MyApplication

=== Optional arguments===

{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Argument
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
! style="text-align:left;"| Example
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|/long_description="<long description>"
|/key="<event key>"
|/node_id="<event source node id>"
|/add_help="<help text>"

=== Other arguments===

{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Argument
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
! style="text-align:left;"| Example
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|/long_description="<long description>"

== Configuring an Application Alias"
An Application Alias directs the created event to the application that it belongs in. No event in Veloopti is able to exist without having an application so this is required. If the command is run with an application alias that does not exist the following error is generated:
<pre style="color: silver; background: black;">C:\>veloopti-event.exe /app=AppNOtExist /sev=Warning /short="This is the short description"
Specified application: not permitted
2020-01-29 12:56:03.835 - Fatal - - Event::validateShortName 515 (0): Specified application is not permitted: appnotexist</pre>

[[Category:Event Administration]] [[Category:Events]]

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