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There are currently 14 different policy types. Each policy is targeted to monitor a different aspect of a server.
# Local monitoring## '''[[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_PageWindows Performance Library Policy Page|Command execution policyWindows performance library]]''' runs an executable or script on a server inspects the Windows Performance Library and returns the result## '''[[Policy:CI Metric Port Availability Policy Page|CI Metric Thresholds (CPU, Memory, Disk, NIC)Port availability]]''' monitors watches the used space and free space local or a remote host for the availability of a file systemport## '''[[Policy:Event Process Performance Policy Page|EventProcess performance]]''' intercepts an event sent using veloopti-event.exe on the agent and inspect it watches a local process for key metrics## '''[[Policy:Service Status Policy Page|Service status]]''' watches a matchlocal service for service state changes## '''[[Policy:HTTP Response CI Metric Policy Page|HTTP responseCI Metric Thresholds (CPU, Memory, Disk, NIC)]]''' monitors the used space and free space for a webpage for key performance metricsfile system## '''[[Policy:Log File Policy Page|Log file]]''' watches a log file for text matches or file size## '''[[Policy:Ping Response Policy PageCommand_Execution_Policy_Page|Ping responseCommand execution policy]]''' ping runs an executable or script on a host server and inspect returns the return resultsresult## '''[[Policy:Port Availability Event Policy Page|Port availabilityEvent]]''' watches intercepts an event sent using veloopti-event.exe on the local or a remote host for the availability of a portagent# Remote monitoring## '''[[Policy:Process Performance HTTP Response Policy Page|Process performanceHTTP response]]''' watches monitors a local process webpage for key performance metrics## '''[[Policy:Service Status Ping Response Policy Page|Service statusPing response]]''' watches ping a local service for service state changeshost and inspect the return results## '''[[Policy:SNMP Poll Policy Page|SNMP policy]]''' polls a SNMP device## '''[[Policy:SNMP Trap Receipt Policy Page|SNMP Trap recipient]]''' inspects a received SNMP trap# Agent monitoring## '''[[Policy:Veloopti Agent Health Policy Page|Veloopti agent health]]''' monitors a Veloopti agent to see whether it is connected or not# '''[[Policy:Windows Performance Library Policy Page|Windows performance library]]''' inspects the Windows Performance Library and returns the result# '''[[Policy:CI Metric Thresholds Policy Page|CI Metric thresholds]]''' evaluates against metrics that are collected in the OS Application
== Deploying a policy to a server ==

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