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An overview of Veloopti

1,874 bytes added, 17:26, 4 February 2019
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== Overview ==
Veloopti is a Software as a Service IT solutions motoring serviceserver and application monitoring platform that is delivered using SaaS and on-premise methods. It is designed for both small and large environments being able to cope with potentially an unlimited number of devices under management. Veloopti can detect peak loads of application use and is able to automatically scale up the infrastructure to match the demand. having [[Multi-tenant|multi-tenant]] capability with granular [[Permissions|permission]] requirements as well as being able to scale to manage any size environment.
Veloopti provides much functionality to its users to monitor and perform corrective actions
The Veloopti Agent actively watches your servers is updated regularly with  Security has been an important consideration and everything that is performed by a user is logged and available for any changes later viewing. Anything that may take placea user performs has an explicit permission associated with it that must be granted in advance in order for them to be able to do it. These changes may be as simple as [[Permissions|Permissions]] manage everything from adding a new managed server, removing a managed server, upgrading an agent, deploying a monitoring policy to a server or even giving a node a new display name has a configuration file change permission and is audited for later viewing. Roles are created that group permissions together and these roles are entirely customisable. T Each organisation has its own database that is entirely separated from all of the other organisations. The Veloopti agent is [[Agent#Security|secure]] secured with one-way communication initiation (from the Agent to the Veloopti cloud) and uses TLS encryption to protect the stream of data. Because the stream of data is one way there is no need to open extra ports on the server or firewall. Veloopti is hosted by Amazon Web Services in Sydney Australia and as as such is legally covered by strict Australian privacy laws.  == How Veloopti works == The person who creates an organisation automatically has the role of [[Permissions#Owner|owner]] and [[Permissions#Billing_Administrator|Billing Administrator]]. The Oner is automatically made a change member of how it connects the '''Global admins''' [[Role|role]] that gives them permission to other serversdo pretty much anything in Veloopti. The Owner is able to invite new users to the organisation and give to them Compare global roles to empower them to things in Veloopti. [[Applications|Applications]] are foundational to Veloopti and creating them are crucial to getting the configuration changes with health metricsmost from it. Once an application is created    <center>'''Logical Overview'''</center>[[file:overview logical.jpg||centre|500px]]
Data is displayed in the most granular form that it is able to depending upon the duration that is being viewed. While five hours of data may be viewed in one minute granularity, three months are viewed as a daily average. At any time you can zoom back into a narrower time range and again see the metrics with a greater granularity.
Up to one second granularity of monitoring is achieved by using an agent that runs on the server. The Veloopti Agent is small and efficient and closely monitors itself to ensure that it doesn't take valuable CPU and memory resources from the exewcutables running on the server.
An API is supported that is able to accept data streams at up to a one second granularity. Veloopti is also is suitable for smaller environments with them getting to take advantage of all of the enterprise capabilities that it has to offer. Because Veloopti is true SaaS you are able to sign up and self provision by yourself. Additionally because monitoring is only paid for when it is active any non-running Veloopti Agent has no costs to you. All product maintenance and upgrades are managed by Veloopti requiring none of your time. This includes updates to the Veloopti Agent.
The Veloopti Agent actively watches your servers for any changes that may take place. These changes may be as simple as a configuration file change or as as a change of how it connects to other servers. Compare the configuration changes with health metrics.

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