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Event page

559 bytes added, 04:41, 17 July 2018
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=== [Overview ] ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;"
|A [[Glossary_of_acronyms#G|GUID]] that distinguishes all of the messages. Primarily Used by Veloopti to distinguish all events.|-|Path|The [[Path|path]] is what is used to tell correlate events of a similar nature together. When there is an open event that contains the same path as new event, instead of there being two events apartthe second one will be duplicated against the first.
|The date/time that the event was first detected on a Veloopti agent detected the eventAgent
|First Received|The date/time that the event was received by Veloopti. This field can be helpful in determining the length of time that it takes for the event to get to Veloopti [[Agent_controller|. It can also be helpful to assist to determine whether there was a delay in receiving the event from the agent controller]].
|Last Occurred
|This is the last time that an event was received that matched the event parameters. It is the latest "First Occurred" date /time of either the last original event that was , or of the latest duplicate received.
|ITIL Component
|The When an event is detected it is classified into one of five ways that are [[Glossary_of_acronyms#I|ITIL]] component that the event relates toaligned: Availability, ; Performance; Capacity, Performance or ; Security''and'' Configuration.
|Custom event properties
|Custom Some policies can send event properties appear at specific to the bottom of the standard event propertiespolicy type through to Veloopti. These are properties that are specific to will be listed in the eventeven at this point. This can be things like: eventID for windows event logs; URL for URL monitor policy; or anything for an inbound API policy.
=== [Comments ] ===
Type in the section that say "Add a new comment" and click on the [[file:Add comment.png|70px]] button to add your comments to the event.
=== [Actions ] === '''Select an Option'''
Any actions that have been run that are associated with this event appear here.
'''Return Code: - Duration:''' '''Results:''' === = [Duplicates] ====Any duplicate events that have been received since the event was first opened appear here.  === [Previous Events ] ===
This tab contains the previous events and duplicates that are associated with the event.
==== Duplicates ====
Any duplicate events that have been received since the event was first opened appear here.
==== Previous Events ====

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