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1,553 bytes added, 00:25, 23 June 2017
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== Overview ==
Use the '''Organisation => Sessions''' menu item to navigate to the sessions page to view your users active sessions.


=== Description ===

Each column in the table shows a piece of information regarding your users sessions.

{| class="wikitable"
! Column
! Description
! Status
| [[file:Session_icon_current.png|20px]] The session is currently connected <br /> [[file:Session_icon_expired.png|20px]] The session has expired in the past
! Date/time
| The last time that Veloopti was connected to the session.
! User
| The first name and last name of the connected user. Click on this to view their user profile page
| The URL that the user was last looking at. If the user has multiple tabs open then this will contain one of them.
! IP Address
| The IP address of the browser that is being used to connect to Veloopti. If [[Glossary_of_Acronyms#N|NAT]] is being used it will be your public IP address not your local IP address. This can result in multiple people from your company having the same IP address.
! Browser/OS
| The operating system and browser that is being used to connect to Veloopti.

== Ending a session ==
Use your mouse and hover over the right hand side of an active users session. The <span style="color:red">Sign out</span> item will appear in the [[Item_options|item options]] section.


=== Role required ===
You must have the '''User Admin''' role in order to be able to view the sessions page.


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