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Event page

13 bytes added, 23:04, 20 August 2017
no edit summary
|This tab contains the event properties and event
|An annotation that a user writes and is associated with the event. Can be viewed either on the Comment or Audit tab of the event.
|Action results[[Event_page#Actions|Actions]]
|This shows the results of an action that has been run while the event was open.
|Notifications|Any notifications that have taken place will be visible on the Notifications tab.|-[[Event_page#Previous_events|Previous Events]]
|Two things are shown on this tab.
#A duplicate is an event that has the same event properties as the original and therefore is classified as a duplicate. It will appear as a increment of the duplicate count as a date/time field.
#A Previous Event is an event that has been previously closed
|[[Event_page#Audit_log#Audit log]]
|The Audit log
=== Overview ===

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