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Event storm

62 bytes added, 23:02, 16 August 2017
Add a link in the Explain section
Notifications will occur once with any new storm event or once with an increase of severity level. Therefore a storm event that is opened with a severity of information will initially send a notification when it is first opened. It will also send a notification if the severity is increased to warning and again if the severity is increased to exception. Whereas a storm event that is opened with a severity level of warning would not send a notification if the event decreased severity to information. However it would send a notification if the event severity increased to exception. A storm event that is opened as a exception would not notify if it reduces in severity to either warning or normal.
== Event storm properties ==
A storm rule is opened by clicking on its name on the [ Storm rules] web page which is found under Events on the main menu. These pages are protected using permissions so not everyone may be able to see them.
The explain tab describes the storm rule in plain english.
When a change is made that does not abide by the logic of the storm rules engine and a save is attempted then the text is marked in red indicating that it needs to be changed.See [[Event_storm#Event_storm_properties|event storm properties for more details]]
=== History ===
The history tab contains a graph with the minute total count for the storm rule path for the last hour. The rule will be populated with the last hour of data if the storm rule has existed this long.

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