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Glossary of terms

85 bytes added, 15:35, 7 August 2017
'''Path:''' A string of numbers and letters separated with one or more full stops (dot) "." that represent the metric or event and its related hierarchy. Also called a dot notation.
:''The path of the event was: "api.webpages.homepage.aboutus.pageload" which meant that the About Us web page was having issues.''
'''Password:''' Series of letters and numbers usually written on a post-it note and stuck on a monitor but system administrators memorise with ease.
:''I was going to change my password to milkycoffee but apparently that’s too weak''
'''Primary Navigation:'''
'''Property:''' An attribite attribute of an item in Veloopti that distinguishes it from another.
:''All of the application servers were built with the name 'localhost' so using the hostname to distinguish them was meaningless.''

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