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424 bytes removed, 16:57, 15 January 2014
remove unused messages
-- {{fmbox}} template configuration
-- cfg.fmboxIdParam
-- The name of the "id" parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxIdParam = 'id'
-- cfg.fmboxId
-- The id sent to the "id" parameter of the {{fmbox}} template.
cfg.fmboxId = 'documentation-meta-data'
-- cfg.fmboxImageParam
-- The name of the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxImageParam = 'image'
-- cfg.fmboxImageNone
-- The value to suppress image output from the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxImageNone = 'none'
-- cfg.fmboxStyleParam
-- The name of the "style" parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxStyleParam = 'style'
-- cfg.fmboxStyle
-- The value sent to the style parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxStyle = 'background-color: #ecfcf4'
-- cfg.fmboxTextstyleParam
-- The name of the "textstyle" parameter of {{fmbox}}.
cfg.fmboxTextstyleParam = 'textstyle'
-- cfg.fmboxTextstyle
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