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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration for Module:Documentation----------------------
-- Configuration for Module:Documentation---- Here you can set the values of the parameters and messages used in-- Module:Documentation to -- localise it to your wiki and your language.Unless specified otherwise, values given here-- should be string values.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local cfg = {} -- Do not edit this line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protection template configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.protectionTemplate-- The name of the template that displays the protection icon (a padlock on enwiki).cfg.protectionTemplate = 'pp-template' -- cfg.protectionTemplateArgs-- Any arguments to send to the protection template.cfg.protectionTemplateArgs = {docusage = 'yes'} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandbox template configuration---- On sandbox pages the module can display a template notifying users that the current page is a-- sandbox, and the location of test cases pages, etc. The module decides whether the page is a-- sandbox or not based on the value of cfg.sandboxSubpage. The following settings configure which-- template is displayed and what the arguments passed to it are.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate-- The name of the template to display at the top of sandbox pages.cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate = 'template sandbox notice' -- cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam-- The parameter of the sandbox notice template to send the cfg.livepageArg to.cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam = 1 -- cfg.livepageArg-- The name of one of the module arguments. The value of this argument should be the main template-- page (i.e. the "live" template). This is passed to the parameter cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam of-- the template cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate.cfg.livepageArg = 'livepage' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start box configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.documentationIconWikitext-- The wikitext for the icon shown at the top of the template.cfg.documentationIconWikitext = '[[File:Template-info.png|50px|link=|alt=Documentation icon]]' -- cfg.headingArg-- Custom heading used in the start box.cfg.headingArg = 'heading' -- cfg.headingStyleArg-- Custom CSS style for the start box heading.cfg.headingStyleArg = 'heading-style' -- cfg.templateNamespaceHeading-- The heading shown in the template namespace.cfg.templateNamespaceHeading = 'Template documentation' -- cfg.moduleNamespaceHeading-- The heading shown in the module namespace.cfg.moduleNamespaceHeading = 'Module documentation' -- cfg.fileNamespaceHeading-- The heading shown in the file namespace.cfg.fileNamespaceHeading = 'Summary' -- cfg.otherNamespacesHeading-- The heading shown in other namespaces.cfg.otherNamespacesHeading = 'Documentation' -- cfg.viewLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "view" links.cfg.viewLinkDisplay = 'view' -- cfg.editLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "edit" links.cfg.editLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.historyLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "history" links.cfg.historyLinkDisplay = 'history' -- cfg.purgeLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "purge" links.cfg.purgeLinkDisplay = 'purge' -- cfg.createLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "create" links.cfg.createLinkDisplay = 'create' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Preload configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.preloadArg-- Custom preload page for creating documentation.cfg.preloadArg = 'preload' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Documentation content configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.contentArg-- Passes documentation content directly from the {{documentation}} invocation.cfg.contentArg = 'content' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link box (end box) configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.linkBoxArg-- Specifies a custom link box (end box) or prevents it from being generated.cfg.linkBoxArg = 'link box' -- cfg.linkBoxOff-- The value to send to cfg.linkBoxArg to turn the link box off.cfg.linkBoxOff = 'off' -- cfg.transcludedFromBlurb-- Notice displayed when the docs are transcluded from another page. $1 is a wikilink to that page.cfg.transcludedFromBlurb = 'The above [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] is [[Wikipedia:Transclusion|transcluded]] from $1.' -- cfg.createModuleDocBlurb-- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.-- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg.modulePreload and the-- display cfg.createLinkDisplay.cfg.createModuleDocBlurb = 'You might want to $1 a documentation page for this [[Wikipedia:Lua|Scribunto module]].' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Experiment blurb configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.experimentBlurb-- This is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages. It is only-- shown in the template and module namespaces. With the default English settings, it might look-- like this:---- Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (edit) pages.---- In this example, "sandbox", "edit", "diff", "testcases", and "edit" would all be links.-- -- Parameters:---- $1 is the possessive name for "module" or "template", set by cfg.templatePossessive or-- cfg.modulePossessive depending on what namespace we are in.---- $2 is a link to the sandbox page. If the sandbox exists, it is in the following format:---- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay | cfg.compareLinkDisplay)-- -- If the sandbox doesn't exist, it is in the format:---- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay | cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay)-- -- The link for cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay link preloads the page with cfg.templateSandboxPreload-- or cfg.moduleSandboxPreload, depending on the current namespace. The link for cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay-- loads a default edit summary of cfg.mirrorEditSummary.---- $3 is a link to the test cases page. If the test cases page exists, it is in the following format:---- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay)---- If the test cases page doesn't exist, it is in the format:-- -- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay)---- If the test cases page doesn't exist, the link for cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay preloads the-- page with cfg.templateTestcasesPreload or cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload, depending on the current-- namespace.cfg.experimentBlurb = 'Editors can experiment in this $1 $2 and $3 pages.' -- cfg.templatePossessive-- Possessive case for "template".cfg.templatePossessive = "template's" -- cfg.modulePossessive-- Possessive case for "module".cfg.modulePossessive = "module's" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandbox link configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.sandboxSubpage-- The name of the template subpage typically used for sandboxes.cfg.sandboxSubpage = 'sandbox' -- cfg.templateSandboxPreload-- Preload file for template sandbox pages.cfg.templateSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-sandbox' -- cfg.moduleSandboxPreload-- Preload file for Lua module sandbox pages.cfg.moduleSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-sandbox' -- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "sandbox" links.cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay = 'sandbox' -- cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay-- The text to display for sandbox "edit" links.cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay-- The text to display for sandbox "create" links.cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' -- cfg.compareLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "compare" links.cfg.compareLinkDisplay = 'diff' -- cfg.mirrorEditSummary-- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link. $1 is a wikilink to the-- template page.cfg.mirrorEditSummary = 'Create sandbox version of $1' -- cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "mirror" links.cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay = 'mirror' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test cases link configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.testcasesSubpage-- The name of the template subpage typically used for test cases.cfg.testcasesSubpage = 'testcases' -- cfg.templateTestcasesPreload-- Preload file for template test cases pages.cfg.templateTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-testcases' -- cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload-- Preload file for Lua module test cases pages.cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-testcases' -- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay-- The text to display for "testcases" links.cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay = 'testcases' -- cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay-- The text to display for test cases "edit" links.cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay-- The text to display for test cases "create" links.cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Add categories blurb configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.addCategoriesBlurb-- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content" or-- "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories. $1 is a-- link to the /doc subpage with a display value of cfg.docLinkDisplay.cfg.addCategoriesBlurb = 'Please add categories to the $1 subpage.' -- cfg.docLinkDisplay-- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage.cfg.docLinkDisplay = '/' .. cfg.docSubpage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subpages link configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.subpagesLinkDisplay-- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link. $1 is cfg.templatePagetype,-- cfg.modulePagetype or cfg.defaultPagetype, depending on whether the current page is in th-- e template namespace, the module namespace, or another namespace.cfg.subpagesLinkDisplay = 'Subpages of this $1' -- cfg.templatePagetype-- The pagetype to display for template pages.cfg.templatePagetype = 'template' -- cfg.modulePagetype-- The pagetype to display for Lua module pages.cfg.modulePagetype = 'module' -- cfg.defaultPagetype-- The pagetype to display for pages other than templates or Lua modules.cfg.defaultPagetype = 'page' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc link configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.docSubpage-- The name of the subpage typically used for documentation pages.cfg.docSubpage = 'doc' -- cfg.fileDocpagePreload-- Preload file for documentation page in the file namespace.cfg.fileDocpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-filespace' -- cfg.docpagePreload-- Preload file for template documentation pages in all namespaces.cfg.docpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload' -- cfg.modulePreload-- Preload file for Lua module documentation pages.cfg.modulePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-doc' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Print version configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.printSubpage-- The name of the template subpage used for print versions.cfg.printSubpage = 'Print' -- cfg.printLinkDisplay-- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage.cfg.printLinkDisplay = '/' .. cfg.printSubpage -- cfg.printBlurb-- Text to display if a /Print subpage exists. $1 is a link to the subpage with a display value of cfg.printLinkDisplay.cfg.printBlurb = 'A [[Help:Books/for experts#Improving the book layout|print version]] of this template exists at $1.' .. ' If you make a change to this template, please update the print version as well.' -- cfg.displayPrintCategory-- Set to true to enable output of cfg.printCategory if a /Print subpage exists.cfg.displayPrintCategory = true
local -- cfg .printCategory-- Category to output if cfg.displayPrintCategory is set to true, and a /Print subpage exists.cfg.printCategory = {}'Templates with print versions'
-- Argument names-- The following are all names of arguments that affect the behaviour of {{documentation}}.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The comments next to the HTML and CSS configuration values are the effects that the argument has-- on the module. (Not the effects of the argument names themselves.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cfg.livepageArg = 'livepage' -- Name of the live template; used in {{template sandbox notice}}.cfg.headingArg = 'heading' -- Custom heading used in the start box.mainDivIdcfg.preloadArg = 'preload' -- Custom preload page for creating documentation.cfg.headingStyleArg = 'heading-style' -- Custom CSS style for The "id" attribute of the start box headingmain HTML "div" tag.cfg.contentArg mainDivId = 'content' -template- Passes documentation content directly from the {{documentation}} invocation.cfg.linkBoxArg = 'link box' -- Specifies a custom link box (end box) or prevents it from being generated.
-- Argument valuescfg.mainDivClasses-- The following are argument values that are checked by CSS classes added to the modulemain HTML "div" tag.cfg.mainDivClasses = 'template-documentation iezoomfix'
-- cfg.linkBoxOff = 'off' startBoxLinkclasses-- The value to send to cfg.linkBoxArg to turn CSS classes used for the [view][edit][history] or [create] links in the link start box off.cfg.startBoxLinkclasses = 'mw-editsection plainlinks'
-- Software settingscfg.startBoxLinkId-- The following are software settings that may change from wiki to wiki. For example, HTML "id" attribute for the classes-- defined links in commonsthe start box.css or the names of templatescfg.startBoxLinkId = 'doc_editlinks'
cfg.docSubpage = 'doc' -- The name of the subpage typically used for documentation pages.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cfg.sandboxSubpage = 'sandbox' -- The name of the {{fmbox}} template subpage typically used for sandboxes.configurationcfg.testcasesSubpage = 'testcases' -- The name of the template subpage typically used for test cases.cfg.printSubpage = 'Print' -- The name of the template subpage used for print versions.cfg.mainDivId = 'template-documentation' -- The "id" attribute of the main HTML "div" tag.cfg.mainDivClasses = 'template-documentation iezoomfix' -- The CSS classes added to the main HTML "div" tag.cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate = 'template sandbox notice' -- The name of the template to display at the top of sandbox pages.cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam = 1 -- The parameter of the sandbox notice template to send the cfg.livepageArg to.cfg.protectionTemplate = 'pp-template' -- The name of the template that displays the protection icon (a padlock on enwiki).cfg.protectionTemplateArgs = {docusage = 'yes'} -- Any arguments to send to the protection template.cfg.startBoxLinkclasses = 'mw-editsection plainlinks' -- The CSS classes used for the [view][edit][history] or [create] links in the start box.cfg.startBoxLinkId = 'doc_editlinks' -- The HTML "id" attribute for the links in the start box.cfg.fileDocpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-filespace' -- Preload file for documentation page in the file namespace.cfg.docpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-filespace' -- Preload file for template documentation pages in all namespaces.cfg.modulePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-doc' -- Preload file for Lua module documentation pages.cfg.templateSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-sandbox' -- Preload file for template sandbox pages.cfg.moduleSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-sandbox' -- Preload file for Lua module sandbox pages.cfg.templateTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-testcases' -- Preload file for template test cases pages.cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-testcases' -- Preload file for Lua module test cases pages.----------------------------------------------------
-- Settings for cfg.fmboxIdParam-- The name of the "id" parameter of {{fmbox}} template.cfg.fmboxIdParam = 'id'
cfg.fmboxIdParam = 'id' -- The name of the "id" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxId = 'documentation-meta-data' -- The id sent to the "id" parameter of the {{fmbox}} template.cfg.fmboxImageParam fmboxId = 'image' documentation-meta- The name of the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxImageNone = 'none' -- The value to suppress image output from the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxStyleParam = data'style' -- The name of the "style" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxStyle = 'background-color: #ecfcf4' -- The value sent to the style parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxTextstyleParam = 'textstyle' -- The name of the "textstyle" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxTextstyle = 'font-style: italic' -- The value sent to the "textstyle parameter of {{fmbox}}.
-- Display settingscfg.fmboxImageParam-- The following settings configure name of the values displayed by the module"image" parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxImageParam = 'image'
-- Text displayed in wikilinks.cfg.viewLinkDisplay = 'view' -- The text to display for "view" links.fmboxImageNonecfg.editLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- The text value to display for "edit" links.cfg.historyLinkDisplay = 'history' -- The text to display for "history" links.cfg.purgeLinkDisplay = 'purge' -- The text to display for "purge" links.cfg.createLinkDisplay = 'create' -- The text to display for "create" links.cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay = 'sandbox' -- The text to display for "sandbox" links.cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- The text to display for sandbox "edit" links.cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' -- The text to display for sandbox "create" links.cfg.compareLinkDisplay = 'diff' -- The text to display for "compare" links.cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay = 'mirror' -- The text to display for "mirror" links.cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay = 'testcases' -- The text to display for "testcases" links.cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- The text to display for test cases suppress image output from the "editimage" links.cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' -- The text to display for test cases "create" links.cfg.docLinkDisplay = '/' .. cfg.docSubpage -- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage.cfg.subpagesLinkDisplay = 'Subpages parameter of this $1' -- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link. $1 is cfg.templatePagetype, cfg.modulePagetype or cfg.defaultPagetype, depending on whether the current page is in the template namespace, the module namespace, or another namespace{{fmbox}}.cfg.printLinkDisplay fmboxImageNone = '/none' .. cfg.printSubpage -- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage.
-- Sentences used in the end box.cfg.transcludedFromBlurb = 'The above [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] is [[Wikipedia:Transclusion|transcluded]] from $1.' -- Notice displayed when the docs are transcluded from another page. $1 is a wikilink to that page.fmboxStyleParamcfg.createModuleDocBlurb = 'You might want to $1 a documentation page for this [[Wikipedia:Lua|Scribunto module]].' -- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist. $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg.modulePreload and the display cfg.createLinkDisplay.cfg.templatePossessive = "template's" -- Possessive case for "template".cfg.modulePossessive = "module's" -- Possessive case for "module".cfg.mirrorEditSummary = 'Create sandbox version The name of $1' -- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link. $1 is a wikilink to the template page.cfg.experimentBlurb = 'Editors can experiment in this $1 $2 and $3 pages.' -- Text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages. It is only shown in the template and module namespaces. $1 is cfg.templatePossessive or cfg.modulePossessive depending on what namespace we are in. $2 is a link to the sandbox in the format "cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay | cfg.compareLinkDisplay)" if the sandbox exists, and the format "cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay | cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay)" if the sandbox doesn't exist. If the sandbox link doesn't exist, the create link preloads the page with cfg.templateSandboxPreload or cfg.moduleSandboxPreload depending on the current namespace. If the page doesn't exist, the mirror link uses the edit summar cfg.mirrorEditSummary. $3 is a link to the test cases page in the format "cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay)" if the test cases page exists, and in the format "cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay)" if the test cases page doesn't exist. If the test cases page doesn't exist, the create link preloads the page with cfg.templateTestcasesPreload or cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload depending on the current namespace.cfg.addCategoriesBlurb = 'Please add categories to the $1 subpage.' -- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content" or style"docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories. $1 is a link to the /doc subpage with a display value parameter of cfg.docLinkDisplay{{fmbox}}.cfg.printBlurb fmboxStyleParam = 'A [[Help:Books/for experts#Improving the book layout|print version]] of this template exists at $1. If you make a change to this template, please update the print version as' -- Text to display if a /Print subpage exists. $1 is a link to the subpage with a display value of cfg.printLinkDisplay.
-- Other display settingscfg.documentationIconWikitext = '[[File:Template-info.png|50px|link=|alt=Documentation icon]]' fmboxStyle-- The wikitext for value sent to the icon shown at the top style parameter of the template{{fmbox}}.cfg.templateNamespaceHeading fmboxStyle = 'Template documentation' background-- The heading shown in the template namespace.cfg.moduleNamespaceHeading = 'Module documentationcolor: #ecfcf4' -- The heading shown in the module namespace.cfg.fileNamespaceHeading = 'Summary' -- The heading shown in the file namespace.cfg.otherNamespacesHeading = 'Documentation' -- The heading shown in other namespaces.cfg.templatePagetype = 'template' -- The pagetype to display for template pages.cfg.modulePagetype = 'module' -- The pagetype to display for Lua module pages.cfg.defaultPagetype = 'page' -- The pagetype to display for pages other than templates or Lua modules.
-- Category settingscfg.displayPrintCategory = true fmboxTextstyleParam-- Set to true to enable output The name of the "textstyle" parameter of cfg.printCategory if a /Print subpage exists{{fmbox}}.cfg.printCategory fmboxTextstyleParam = 'Templates with print versionstextstyle'  -- Category to output if cfg.displayPrintCategory is set fmboxTextstyle-- The value sent to true, and a /Print subpage existsthe "textstyle parameter of {{fmbox}}.cfg.fmboxTextstyle = 'font-style: italic' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tracking category configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory = true -- Set to true to enable output of cfg.strangeUsageCategory if the module is used on a /doc subpage -- or a /testcases subpage.cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory = true -- cfg.strangeUsageCategory = 'Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage' -- Category to output if cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory is set to true and the module is used on a -- /doc subpage or a /testcases subpage.cfg.strangeUsageCategoryMainspaceSort strangeUsageCategory = 'Main:Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage'  -- cfg.strangeUsageCategoryMainspaceSort-- Category sort key prefix to use for cfg.strangeUsageCategory in the main namespace. The prefix -- is followed by the full page name.cfg.strangeUsageCategoryMainspaceSort = 'Main:' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End configuration---- Don't edit anything below this line.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return cfg
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