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Home > An Overview > Concepts > Multitenancy

1 Overview

Multitenancy is where a single instance of the software serves multiple tenants. The tenants are logically isolated where one tenant cannot see the details of another, but physically run as a single instance of the application.

Veloopti is multitenant in that a group of organisations run on a single instance of Veloopti. Each organisation has its own database to ensure that the database is not the limiting factor.

If we were to allow you to use a instance of Veloopti then you would be able to put many customers in that single hive and you would then be offering a Multitennancy version of Veloopti. This is something that we are looking to offer in the future. Contact us if this interests you.

1.1 Multiple Organisations

Using multiple organisations is preferable when the management of the customers/teams are performed by multiple administration teams. Use multiple organisations when:

  1. Different teams manage the Operating Systems of the nodes
  2. You have multiple monitoring teams
  3. You want Veloopti to calculate an invoice for each customers/team

1.2 Multiple applications

Using a single organisation and creating one or more applications for each customer/team is useful when the administrators for each customer are the same.

  1. The same team manages the Operating Systems of the nodes
  2. You have a single monitoring team
  3. You want Veloopti to calculate a single invoice

1.3 Further details

Veloopti does not have speed degradation because all customer share the same database.