Item options

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Home > Using > Standard user interface > Navigation > Item options

1 Overview

Item options appear in a three dot menu against a result list that is activated by clicking on the three dots for an item.

2 Permissions

All item icons have a permission associated with them in order to be able to see and activate them.

3 Icon list

The following is a complete list of item icons that are available

Item options appear to the far right on an item in the results pane and are able to be selected when the three ellipses Ellipses.png appear on the item. These options only work on the one selected item.

Icon Description Permission required Appears in
Run action.png Run an action on the computer [Application] -> node -> Run action from node Nodes view
Sign out item option.png Sign a user out of Veloopti Global -> Users -> Kill any users session Sessions
Delete application item option.png Delete an application Global -> Applications -> Manage all Applications view
Rename application item option.png Rename an application Global -> Applications -> Manage all Applications view