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Policy:Ping Response Policy Page

127 bytes removed, 21:09, 10 November 2021
Update for Ping
=== Conditions ===
Click Either add a new row by clicking on the 'add' [Add] button or click on an existing row to enter the right to add a edit condition ruledialogue box.The rules may be moved up and down by clicking on selecting and holding the rule changing to change its position.
Click on the [Add] button to bring up the dialogue to add a condition to the policy.
NOTE: Currently changing the position of order of the rules does not do anything as they are evaluated in order of severity.
'''SEVERITY''' The severity that appears on the event that is raised by a threshold violation of the rule
'''EVENT SHORT DESCRIPTION''' The short event description that appears on the event that is raised
Either add a new row by clicking on the [Add] button or click on an existing row to enter the edit condition dialogue box.
:::'''Metric''' Select a metric upon which to perform a threshold evaluation. The options available are:
::::Standard Out (text)::::Standard Out (Number)Minimum round-trip delay time::::Error OutMaximum round-trip delay time::::Exit CodeAverage round-trip delay time::::Run Duration Time to Live (secondsTTL)::::Timed outPercent Loss
:::'''Operator'''Select an operator to perform against the Metric above. Different options are available for different metrics.
::::ContainsLess than::::Doesn't ContainLess than or equal to::::Greater than or equal to::::Greater than
::::Does not equal
::::Regular Expression Match
::::Regular Expression Suppress Matches
:::'''Value''' Enter a value to compare the metric against using the operator.
:::'''Breach duration''' Enter the number of consecutive breaches that need to occur for an event to be raised . Note this is breaches for a policy run, not individual ping failures.
:::'''Reset Duration''' Enter the number of consecutive reset conditionssuccessful policy runs, the number that the metric must be (usually) below, for the event severity to be set to Normal. Note this for successful policy nuns, not successful individual pings.
::'''Event Long Description''' The long description that appears in the event
::'''Auto Action''' Select an action to run automatically when the condition of raising an event is met. These are [[Action|actions]] that have been created for the Application.
::'''Close event if auto action runs successfully''' If the auto actions runs successfully then the event will be closed. ::::::This check box closes the event if the command exits with a successful 'error code'. ::::::For instance, the ping command on a Mac returns an error code of 0 for success and 2 for a ping failure.::::::And the ping command on a windows OS in a command prompt returns 0 for success and 1 for failure.
:::On Windows, after running the command, run the below command to see the error code that the command exited with

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