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Module:Message box

1,621 bytes added, 23:38, 22 September 2013
more ambox stuff - still a little broken
return page or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local function generateBoxStructure()
local root = htmlBuilder.create() -- Includes error messages and categories added after the box.
local substCheck = root.tag('b').addClass('error')
local box = root.tag('table')
local row = box.tag('tr')
local imageLeftCell = row.tag('td')
return root, substCheck, box, row, imageLeftCell
------------------------ Process config data ----------------------------  -- Type data.
local typeData = data.types[args.type]
local invalidType = args.type and not typeData and true or false
typeData = typeData or data.types[data.default]
-- Process data for collapsible text fields
local text, talk, fix, date, info
if data.useCollapsibleTextFields then
text = args.issue
talk =
fix = args.fix
date =
info =
text = args.text
-- Find whether we are using a small message box and process our data accordingly.
local isSmall = data.allowSmall and (args.small == 'yes' or args.small == true) and true or false
local smallClass, image, imageRight, text, imageSize
if isSmall then
smallClass = data.smallClass or 'mbox-small'
image = args.smallimage or args.image
imageRight = args.smallimageright or args.imageright
text = args.smalltext or args.text
imageSize = data.imageSmallSize or '30x30px'
image = args.image
imageRight = args.imageright
text = args.text
imageSize = '40x40px'
------------------------ Get the box structure----------------------------  local root = htmlBuilder.create() -- Includes error messages and categories added after the box. local substCheck = root, substCheck, .tag('b').addClass('error') local box, = root.tag('table') local row, = box.tag('tr') local imageLeftCell = generateBoxStructurerow.tag('td').addClass('mbox-image') local textCell = row.tag('td').addClass('mbox-text') local imageRightCell = row.tag('td').addClass('mbox-imageright')  ------------------------ Build the box ----------------------------
-- Do the subst check.
local imageCheckBlank = data.imageCheckBlank
if image ~= 'none' and not imageCheckBlank or image ~= 'none' and imageCheckBlank and image ~= 'blank' then
if not isSmall and data.imageCellDiv then
imageLeftCell = imageLeftCell.tag('div').css('width', '52px') -- If we are using a div, redefine imageLeftCell so that the image is inside it.
-- Add the text.
rowif data.useCollapsibleTextFields then textCell .cssText(args.textstyle) local textCellSpan = textCell.tag('tdspan') textCellSpan .addClass('mbox-text-span') .wikitext(text) if not isSmall then textCellSpan .tag('span') .addClass('hide-when-compact') .wikitext(talk) .wikitext(fix) .done() end textCellSpan .wikitext(date and mw.ustring.format(" <small>''(%s)''</small>", date)) if not isSmall then textCellSpan .tag('span') .addClass('hide-when-compact') .wikitext(info and ' ' .. info) end else textCell .cssText(args.textstyle) .wikitext(text) end
-- Add the right-hand image.
if imageRight and not (data.imageRightNone and imageRight == 'none') then
rowif not isSmall and data.imageCellDiv then imageRightCell = imageRightCell.tag('tddiv') .addClasscss('mbox-imagerightwidth', '52px')-- If we are using a div, redefine imageRightCell so that the image is inside it. end imageRightCell
------------------------ Add error messages and categories ----------------------------  -- Add error message and tracking categoriescategory for invalid type parameters.
if invalidType then
local catsort = (nsid == 0 and 'Main:' or '') .. title.prefixedText
data.imageSmallSize = '20x20px'
data.imageCellDiv = true
data.talkLink useCollapsibleTextFields = true data.imageRightNone = true
return, args)
v = mw.text.trim(v)
if v ~= '' or k == 'talk' or k == 'sect' or k == 'date' then
args[k] = v
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