
Event storm

21 bytes added, 22:04, 16 August 2017
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Notifications will occur once with any new storm event or once with an increase of severity level. Therefore a storm event that is opened with a severity of information will initially send a notification when it is first opened. It will also send a notification if the severity is increased to warning and again if the severity is increased to exception. Whereas a storm event that is opened with a severity level of warning would not send a notification if the event decreased severity to information. However it would send a notification if the event severity increased to exception. A storm event that is opened as a exception would not notify if it reduces in severity to either warning or normal.
== Event storm properties ==
A storm rule is opened by clicking on its name on the [ Storm rules] web page which is found under Events on the main menu. These pages are protected using permissions so not everyone may be able to see them.