Event storm view

Home > Using > Standard User Interface > Views > Event storm view


1 Overview

An event storm is a 'detectable or discernible occurrence that has significance for the management of the IT Infrastructure". The events page contains all collective events that you have permissions to view. Events can be viewed by clicking on the short description of the event.

The Even storms page is found by hovering your mouse over the Events menu item and clicking on Storm rules.

2 Options

2.1 Global options

There is one global options available for the event view.

Global storm add.png Used to add a new Event Storm rule.

2.2 Item options

There is one item options available for nodes

Item option delete.png Used to delete the event storm rule.

2.3 Context options

There is one context options available for nodes

Context option delete.png Used to delete the event storm rule.

3 Filters panel

Adjusting the filters allows you to change the level of detail that is populated in the results pane. See event filters for a full description of what is available.

3.1 Hiding the filters panel

The filters panel can be hidden moving the slider Slider left.png to the left hand side. Once it is hidden it can be revealed by moving the slider to the rightSlider right.png.

3.2 Searching by name

Type in a word that you would like to search for and click on the enter key. This will reduce the storm events only to those that which match the word. You can enter more than one word.