User account

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1 Overview

Your Veloopti user account gives you access Veloopti and all organisations that you are a member of. You can use the same user account for all of Veloopti which means you don't need to create different accounts for different monitoring environments. One account can give you access to any number of the Veloopti organisations. We don’t delete or disable your Veloopti user account after a certain period of time. Your account will always keep on working giving you access to Veloopti.

1.1 Organisations

As a user you can be a member of zero, one, or many organisations. Veloopti is not much use without being a member of an organisation so create one of your own if you find yourself without one.

1.2 email addresses

Your Veloopti account has a primary email address and can have multiple notification email addresses. This allows you to have notifications sent to different email addresses from your primary address. It also let you work for multiple organisations with each one having a different customer email address. One unique email address may be used for each organisation.

Warning.png             Note:Only primary Gmail accounts are permissible. You are not able to use the + character to create multiple veloopti accounts.
Warning.png             Note:You currently are not able to change your primary email address, but this will be enhanced so you can in the future.

2 Creating an account

There are two ways to join Veloopti.

  1. Use the [Get started free] button on the Veloopti website.
  2. Accept an invitation sent to you.

3 Logging on

You are able to login with either your primary email addresses or any of your notification email addresses. Logging on with your primary email address will take you to your default organisation. Logging on with your notification email address will take you to the organisatin that it is associated with.