

1,383 bytes added, 19:45, 30 January 2020
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|- style="vertical-align:top;"
/prop="<name>:<value>"|Specifies additional custom properties of the event. May be entered multiple times as required. These properties are displayed under the Event Details and provide extra context to the event. These properties are also passed to Integrations for use in external services.This argument may need to quoted as it could likely contain spaces.NOTE: only the first colon (:) is used when delimiting as is the case in the disk:C:\ example|/property="logfile:/var/log/audit/audit.log"/prop="disk:C:\" /prop "file:config.txt"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|/add_help="<help text>"
|Specifies the Help Text of the event. The Help Text is displayed under the Event Details and included in Notifications and Integrations. It is useful for including information to operators on how or why an event is likely to have occurred or instructions to assist with further diagnosis or how to resolve the event.|/add_help="It is possible that the data disk is full and more space is needed. Check the log files. Restart the application once fixed."/add "It is possible that the data disk is full and more space is needed. Check the log files. Restart application once fixed."
|Closes the matching event. Veloopti will match the event on existing open events based on the Short Description or Key if one is provided. If an existing open event is found, it will be closed by Veloopti.This option does not take an argument value.|/close