
Home > Administration > Workflows > Sessions


1 Overview

Use the Organisation => Sessions menu item to navigate to the sessions page to view your users active sessions.

Sessions view.png

1.1 Description

Each column in the table shows a piece of information regarding your users sessions.

Column Description
Status Session icon current.png The session is currently connected
Session icon expired.png The session has expired in the past
Date/time The last time that Veloopti was connected to the session.
User The first name and last name of the connected user. Click on this to view their user profile page
URL The URL that the user was last looking at. If the user has multiple tabs open then this will contain one of them.
IP Address The IP address of the browser that is being used to connect to Veloopti. If NAT is being used it will be your public IP address not your local IP address. This can result in multiple people from your company having the same IP address.
Browser/OS The operating system and browser that is being used to connect to Veloopti.

2 Ending a session

Use your mouse and hover over the right hand side of an active users session. The Sign out item will appear in the item options section.


2.1 Role required

You must have the User Admin role in order to be able to view the sessions page.