Log view

Home > Using > Standard User Interface > Views > Log view


1 Overview

A Log is a "a record of something occurring in Veloopti". It can consist of either a user making a change or a notification taking place.

The Users page is found by selecting the menu items: Organisation -> Logs

2 Options

2.1 Global options

There is one global option available for the log view.

Clock.png Used to switch the Occurred date/time fields between and fixed (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy time) and relative (e.g. 16 hours, 3 minutes)

2.2 View options

There are two view options available for the log view.

View standard.png Used to view the logs with standard spacing.

View expanded.png Used to view the logs with expanded spacing.

2.3 Item options

There are no item options available for logs.

2.4 Context options

There are no context options available for logs.

3 Filters panel

Adjusting the filters allows you to change the level of detail that is populated in the results pane. See log filters for a full description of what is available.

3.1 Hiding the filters panel

The filters panel can be hidden moving the slider Slider left.png to the left hand side. Once it is hidden it can be revealed by moving the slider to the rightSlider right.png.