Profile view

Revision as of 18:44, 12 July 2017 by Nigel (talk | contribs)

Home > Using > Views > Profile view


1 Overview

Your profile page is found by hovering your mouse over the silhouette in the top right hand corner of the page and selecting an profile item that appears.

2 Personal details

Your personal details are visible and able to be updated from this page. After you have made a change click on the Update profile button.png button in the visual status section.

Item Description
Given name This is the name that you use to distinguish yourself from other members of your family
Family name This is the name that is common to your family
Password A string of characters used for authentication to prove your identity to access Veloopti. You should keep this safe from other people. Click on the eye icon Profile password eye.png that appears in the right of the text entry box to reveal your password as text characters.
Gender Either male or female
Language The language that the Veloopti website and emails are presented in.
Timezone The local time that you want to view metrics and events in. Changing this to another time zone will change the date/time displayed of the metrics and events. Time in Veloopti is stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

3 Messages

Messages that have been sent to you appear here. Click on one to open and read it.


4 Manage notifications

You can change the method of notification for different time periods. For instance you can have email notification during the day and SMS notifications at night. Additionally you can hold all notification over the weekend until Monday morning.

5 Sessions

In sessions you are able to see all of your past and present sessions. Hovering your mouse over over an active session will reveal a Sign out link n the item options.

Profile sessions.png

6 Logoff

Use this link to logoff