Global options

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Home > Using > Standard user interface > Navigation > Global options

1 Overview

Global options appear in the top right hand side of the browser window

2 Permissions

Most global icons have a permission associated with them in order to be able to see and activate them.

3 Icon list

The following is a complete list of global icons that are available

Icon Description Appears in
Sort.png Add/remove or change the order of columns Events view
Clock.png Used to switch the last occurred and first occurred date/time fields between and fixed (dd/mm/yyyy time) and relative (16 hours, 3 minutes) Events view
Export events.png Used to download the events that are in the results pane to your local computer. Events view
Home.png Used to change the order of favourites and add items to the favourites list Dashboards view
Agent download.png Used to download the Veloopti software agent Nodes view

Agent view