Action page

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Home > Using > Standard User Interface > Pages > Action page

1 Overview

An action is a command that can be remotely run on a node that has a Veloopti agent installed on it. Actions come in three levels of permissions: Operator; Power User; and Administrator.

1.1 Permissions

There are three levels of permissions in Actions.

Operator level actions require the lowest level of permissions to be run.
Power User
Power User level actions require more permissions than Operator level and lower than Administrator level actions. Users that can run Power User level actions can also run Operator level actions.
Administrator level actions require the highest level of permissions. Users that are able to run Administrator level actions can also run Power User and Operator actions.

1.2 Where actions can be run

Actions can be run in two different locations: on servers and through an event.

1.2.1 Actions on servers

Actions can be run directly on a server that has a Veloopti agent. When clicking on the server name in either the main node page, or the node page in an application; there is a item named Actions where they can be run.

1.2.2 Actions on events

Actions can also be run from an Event. <more here>

2 Action tabs

Action tabs
Tab Description
Overview This tab contains the main overview of the Action
Attributes The attributes of the action are the commands and parameters that are run on the node.
History This shows the results of an action that has been run while the event was open.
Audit log The Audit log

2.1 Overview


The name of the policy is used to reference it from different places in Veloopti. An action needs to have a unique name in the Application that it is in.


The description is where you enter some text that describes what the action does.


The action type is currently limited to a command type action. More of these will be released in the future.


There are three levels of actions in Veloopti: Operator; Power User and Administrator. Each level is able to be run by users who are members of a role that have the appropriate permission assigned to it.

2.2 Attributes

Event properties
Property Description
ID A GUID that distinguishes all of the messages. Primarily used to tell similar events apart.
Severity Standard categorisation based on the significance of an event:
  • Information - The event does not require any immediate action and does not represent an exception.
  • Warning - The event is generated when an application is approaching a threshold. Warnings are intended to notify you in order for you to take the necessary actions to prevent an exception occurring.
  • Exception - This mean that the application is impacted and presents a failure, performance degradation or loss of functionality (web server down, database stopped responding, etc).
Status The state of event being either open or closed.
Node The name of the node where the event was received.
First Occurred The date/time that the event was detected by the management application.
Type First occurred
Policy The time that the Veloopti agent detected the event
Logfile The date/time that appears in the logfile. If this does not exist then it is the date/time that the Veloopti agent performed the logfile scan.
SNMP Trap The date/time that appears in the SNMP trap
API The date/time that is sent through the API. If this does not exist then it is the date/time that the Veloopti agent received the API event.
Received The date/time that the event was received by the Veloopti agent controller.
Last Occurred This is the last time that an event was received that matched the event parameters. It is the latest "First Occurred" date of the last event that was received.
ITIL Component The ITIL component that the event relates to: Availability, Capacity, Performance or Security.
Custom event properties Custom event properties appear at the bottom of the standard event properties. These are properties that are specific to the event. This can be things like: eventID for windows event logs; URL for URL monitor policy; or anything for an inbound API policy.

2.3 Attributes

Type in the section that say "Add a new comment" and click on the Add comment.png button to add your comments to the event.

2.4 History

Any actions that have been run that are associated with this event appear here.

2.5 Audit Log

This tab contains the audit log for the event. Anything that occurs in relation to the event occurs here.

  1. The time the event was first opened
  2. Severity increases and decreases
  3. Notifications that were sent to users
  4. Action results
  5. The closure time