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Module:Category handler

171 bytes added, 05:01, 1 July 2013
fix default parameter main namespace bug
-- This is a table of namespaces to categorise by default. They-- should be in the format of parameter names accepted by-- [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.defaultNamespaces = {
0'main', -- Main 6'file', -- File 12'help', -- Help 14 -- Category'category'
if needsBlacklistCheck( args ) and not findBlacklistMatch( pageObject ) then
if not nsParamsExist( mappings, args ) then
-- No namespace parameters exist; basic usage. Pass args[1] to -- [[Module:Namespace detect]] using the default namespace -- parameters, and return the result.
local ndargs = {}
for _, nsid ndarg in ipairs( cfg.defaultNamespaces ) do ndargs[ mw.ustring.lower([ nsid ].name ) ndarg] = args[1]
end =
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