

41 bytes added, 21:45, 9 November 2021
== Overview ==
# Double check Complete the place where all icons appear and make sure they look individual policies on the same[[Policy|policy]] page (In progress)# Creating an organisation# Creating an application
# Complete [[Roles|roles]]
# Complete [[Node|Nodes]]
# Complete the individual policies on the [[Policy|policy]] page
# Complete the [[Action|action]] page with more information
# Search for "more needed here" ( or <more> ) and add more words
# Application page (Dave is working on building it)
# [[Agent_installation|Install an agent]] - Need the final build to do this for Windows
# Creating an application
# <s>[[User_invitation|Invite a user]]</s>
# Under [[API_events|1.1.1 usage]] get the left column to be non-breaking. Also look at cleaning it up a bit
# veloopti-policy.exe /policies
# Double check the place where all icons appear and make sure they look the same