
User invitation

2 bytes removed, 22:45, 28 March 2019
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'''Given name'''
Type the The invited users given name herethat they respond to when called.
'''Family name'''
Type the The invited users name that is common to all of their family name heremembers.
The This email address that you invite the user with should be their primary Veloopti email address. In the case of a new user this email address will become their primary address. In the case of a current Veloopti user it should be their already existing primary address.
'''Global roles button'''
'''Send invitation button'''
Once you have completed the invitation use this button to send it to the specified email addressuser.
[[file:Warning.png|20px]]             '''If the user already has a Veloopti account then their family name and given name are ignored in preference to that which is already used.'''