
View options

925 bytes removed, 15:45, 28 March 2018
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The Group view shows the group hierarchy that exists for the application. The times are linked to the group and they are then associated with one, or more groups.
== How groups work ==Groups are created using the create group button [[file:group new.png|30px]] that is located in the [[Global_options|global options]]. Clicking on a group will take you into the group where more groups can be created.  === Policy Groups ===Policies are put into policy groups. Policy groups can then be linked to a node group. === Action Groups ===Actions are put into an action group. Action groups can then be linked to a node group.Actions are able to be run on a node from any place in the organisation. This means that for a node that is in the  ===Node Groups ===Nodes are linked to node groups. Node groups are then linked to policy groups and action groups.All policies linked to a policy group that is linked to a node group are deployed to the nodes that are in it.All actions linked to an action group that is linked to a node group are able to be run on nodes that are in it.  == All View icons ==
A list of all of the icons that appear in the options view appear below