

15 bytes added, 05:01, 26 September 2013
return nil values as nil
-- This is a simplified, LuaFunction allowing for consistent treatment of boolean-only replacement for like wikitext input.-- It works similarly to the template {{yesno}}. It provides a consistent-- interface for users entering boolean or boolean-style input.
return function (val, default)
val = type(val) == 'string' and mw.ustring.lower(val) or val -- put in lower case
if not val == nil then return nil elseif val == false or val == 'no' or val == 'n' or val == 'false' or tonumber(val) == 0 then
return false
elseif val == true or val == 'yes' or val == 'y' or val == 'true' or tonumber(val) == 1 then
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