

414 bytes added, 23:16, 2 March 2013
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function p.yesno( frame )
-- defaults
local retvals = {
yes = "yes",
-- Allow arguments to override defaults.
-- 'any' tracks the presence of any arguments at all.
local any = false
for k,v in pairs( frame.args ) do
val = frame.args[1]
-- According to the template docs, the input should be considered nil
-- only when no params were provided. If any params at all were present,
-- the value must be considered blank. A bit weird, if you ask me.
if (val == nil and not any) or val == '¬' then
return retvals['¬']
val = (val or ''):lower() -- Coerce to blank if nil; make lowercase. val = val:match'^%s*(.*%S)' or '' -- Trim whitespace.
if val == '' then
Anonymous user