
1 Overview

Paths are used extensively in Veloopti to enable for the grouping of similar things. The primary use of paths for you are: metric; event and API paths.

2 Path format

Paths are

  1. Characters from 'a-z';
  2. Numbers from '0-9'; and
  3. Separated with periods '.'

Warning.png             Note:Characters that are entered into a path as uppercase are automatically converted to lowercase

3 Metric paths

Each metric that is collected and graphed in Veloopti is unique because of its metric path.

3.1 How metric paths are created

4 Event paths

Each event type that is displayed in Veloopti is unique because of its metric path.

5 How paths are used

Paths are used in many places in Veloopti.

5.1 Storm events

Storm rules watch the number of events that appear for paths and send a notification when a threshold breach is detected. Wildcards are able to be used to detect a variety of scenarios.

5.2 How event paths are created

6 API paths

The API is able to inject both metrics and events into Veloopti.

6.1 How API paths are created

When the metrics and events are sent through the API the path is manually written to it using the API. Anything sent without a valid path will be rejected by Veloopti and dismissed. All paths that are created using the api are prefixed with 'api'.