
Home > Administration > Workflows > Messages


1 Overview

Messages are a short communication sent from one user or component of Veloopti to another. They are on your profile page that is found using the silhouette in the top right hand corner of the page. Below is an example of what they look like.


2 Message bubbles

The number of messages that have not been read are visible in the form of a blue message bubble Message bubble.PNG. The number inside the bubble is the number of unread messages that are in your inbox.

3 Message types

There are three different types of messages with each one alerting you to a change, notification or general information from the sender.

Message type Sender Description Response possible
Veloopti message The Veloopti company A message sent from Veloopti notifying you of a change to how it operates and with new features or enhancements that effect you. Yes
Organisation message An organisation A message sent from your organisation notifying you of a change to your user account privileges. No
User message A Veloopti user A message sent from one Veloopti user to another Yes

4 Message columns

The message columns are mostly pretty self explanatory. If clarity is required then a description of them is below.

Column Description
Status Message icon unread.png The message is unread
Message icon read.png The message is read
From The entity that sent the message. Can be either: a user, an organisation or the Veloopti company.
Subject A short description that explains the purpose of the message.
Received The date/time that the message was sent to you.
Expires In The date/time that the message will be removed from your message inbox

5 Message details

Click on the message line to open it. Once a message is opened its contents can be read. Use the Button back.png button to return to the list of messages and the Button delete message.png button to permanently remove the message from your inbox. '

Message detail.png