
Policy:Command Execution Policy Page

921 bytes added, 23:14, 17 February 2021
Update the page with more details, merge with the Command Policy page
== Overview ==
A policy is an instructions run on one or more of your monitored servers looking for an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organisation's operations, services or functions. Each policy is found in an application
A [[policy|policy]] is represented in Veloopti by the policy icon: <sup>[[file:icon_policy.png|30px]]</sup>
The 'Command Execution' policy enables you to schedule and run a command on a monitored server that has a Veloopti Agent installed. The command must be a binary or executable that can be initiated from a terminal (Linux) or command interpreter (Windows) from a single line command. The command may contain arguments.
Command execution policies must be added to a [[Group|Policy Group]] for automated deployment onto one or more managed nodes.
=== Creating or editing a policy ===
[[File:Command Execution policy page.png|thumb|350px|The command execution policy page is found by selecting a policy from the policy view.]]
The Command Execution Policy Page is used to create and edit the [[Command_execution_policy|Command Execution policy]]. The Command Execution policy can then be added to a [[Group|Policy Group]] for deployment onto one or more managed nodes.
Command Execution policies are created and edited from within an application. A policy are found inside is only visible from within the application that it was created in, After entering an application using select 'Policies' from the policy application breadcrumb drop down. This is found by navigating to view the [[Policy_view|policy Policy view page]] and either [[Policy_Wizard|creating]] or selecting a [[Policy_view|Command Execution policy]].
[[File:Breadcrumb application policy.png|500px]]
# Click on the Application menu item# Click on the Application that contains the policy# Select the Policy breadcrumb as shown above From here you can either click on the [[Policy_Wizard|Policy Wizard]] to create a new one or select the Command Execution policy to modify it. == Tabs Navigating the policy page ==
Tabs run down the left hand side of the view. Clicking on a tab will change the page that allows for a particular part of the policy to be modified.
They are: [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Overview_2|Overview]], [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Attributes|Attributes]], [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Conditions|Conditions]], [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Node_Overrides|Node Overrides]], [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Schedule|Schedule]], [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#Audit_Log|Audit Log]] and [[Policy:Command_Execution_Policy_Page#View_Data|View Data]].
  === Overview Command Execution Policy Page ===
The title of the policy that can be used to tell the policy apart from others