
Module:Category handler/config

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration [[Module:Category handler]] configuration data ---- Language-specific parameter names and values can be set here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local cfg = {} -- Don't edit this line.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start configuration data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The following config values set the names of parameters that suppress -- categorisation. They are used-- with Module:Yesno, and work as follows:
-- cfg.nocat:
-- Result of yesno(args[cfg.nocat]) Effect
-- true Categorisation is suppressed
-- false Categorisation is allowed, and the -- blacklist check is skipped
-- nil Categorisation is allowed
-- cfg.categories:
-- Result of yesno(args[cfg.categories]) Effect
-- true Categorisation is allowed, and the -- blacklist check is skipped
-- false Categorisation is suppressed
-- nil Categorisation is allowed
cfg.categories = 'categories'
-- The parameter name for the legacy "category2" parameter. This skips the -- blacklist if set to the-- cfg.category2Yes value, and suppresses categorisation -- if present but equal to anything other than-- cfg.category2Yes or -- cfg.category2Negative.
cfg.category2 = 'category2'
cfg.category2Yes = 'yes'
cfg.category2Negative = '¬'
-- cfg.subpage is the parameter name to specify how to behave on subpages. -- cfg.subpageNo is the value to-- specify to not categorise on subpages; cfg.only -- is the value to specify to only categorise on subpages.
cfg.subpage = 'subpage'
cfg.subpageNo = 'no'
cfg.all = 'all'
-- The parameter name for data to return if no data is specified for the -- namespace that is detected. This-- must be the same as the cfg.other parameter -- in [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.other = 'other'
-- The parameter name used to specify a page other than the current page; used -- for testing and-- demonstration. This must be the same as the -- parameter in [[Module:Namespace detect]]. = 'page'
-- The categorisation blacklist. Pages that match Lua patterns in this list will -- not be categorised.-- (However, see the explanation of cfg.nocat, -- cfg.categories and cfg.category2 for some exceptions.)-- If the namespace name -- has a space in, it must be written with an underscore, e.g. "Wikipedia_talk".
-- Other parts of the title can have either underscores or spaces.
cfg.blacklist = {
-- This is a table of namespaces to categorise by default. They should be in the -- format of parameter-- names accepted by [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.defaultNamespaces = {
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End configuration data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return cfg -- Don't edit this line.
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