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Home > An Overview > Concepts > Policy

1 Overview

Policies are created and edited in an application. A policy is instructions for the monitoring of something from a computer. Policies are deployed to a node using groups.

2 Policy types

3 Deploying a policy to a server

Policies are deployed to a server by adding it to a policy group. The policy group must also be linked to a node group that contains the server that the policy is to be deployed to.

One or more policies can be added to a policy group. A policy in a policy group is a member of the group. In order for the policies in the policy group to be deployed to the nodes in a node group the policy group must be linked to the node group. A policy group can be linked to one or more node groups. All nodes in the node group that have a policy group linked to it can have the policies deployed to them.

A policy group is located in an application and is not able to be linked to a node group outside of the application. A policy cannot be directly deployed to a node.